CIECHS Student Handbook
CIECHS Faculty and Staff
Principal: Dr. Caroline Sanchez
Assistant Principal: Angela M. Williams
Office/Supply Clerk: Mary Jo Smith
Guidance Counselor: Mia Watson
University College Liaison: Audra Henry
Bookkeeper/Receptionist: Yvonne Hamilton
Social Worker: April Hunter
Data Manager/Receptionist: Hope Freeman
AIG Teacher: Vacant
AVID 1: Jessica Willis
AVID 3 & 4: Anyonga D. Blackwell
English Teacher: Michele Schriefer
English Teacher: LaRonda Freeman
Math Teacher: Haleigh Baker
Math Teacher: Jennifer Warfle
Science Teacher / AVID 2: Geneva Simmons
Science Teacher: Raylene Latham
Social Studies Teacher: Christel Early
Social Studies Teacher: Kevin Theel
Spanish Teacher: Caroline Hayes
Spanish Teacher: Leonardo Romero
Arabic Teacher: Rana Nasser
School Nurse: Jennifer Oxendine
Lab Assistant: Derrell Riddick
Daily Schedule
CIECHS Office Hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The school day for 9th, 10th, and 11th-grade students begins at 9:15 am and ends at 4:15 pm. The FSU school day for 11th and 12th graders will vary depending on their college course schedule. Students should not be dropped off before 8:45 a.m. and should be picked up by 4:30 p.m. Students will wait on the courtyard until 9:05 am unless there is inclement weather.
Daily Class Schedule
Time | Period |
9:15 am – 9:30 am | Advisory |
9:33 am – 11:03 am | 1st Period |
11:06 am – 12:36 pm | 2nd Period |
12:39 pm – 2:40 pm | 3rd Period |
1st Lunch: 12:39 pm – 1:09 pm (Includes walk time) | |
2nd Lunch: 1:09 pm – 1:39 pm (Includes walk time) | |
3rd Lunch: 1:39 pm – 2:09 pm (Includes walk time) | |
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm | 4th Period |
Two-Hour Delay Schedule
Time | Period |
11:15 am – 11:30 am | Advisory |
11:33 am – 12:33 pm | 1st Period |
12:36 pm – 2:06 pm | 2nd Period |
1st Lunch: 12:39 pm – 1:09 pm (Includes walk time) | |
2nd Lunch: 1:09 pm – 1:39 pm (Includes walk time) | |
3rd Lunch: 1:39 pm – 2:09 pm (Includes walk time) | |
2:12 pm – 3:12 pm | 3rd Period |
3:15 pm – 4:15 pm | 4th Period |
One-Hour Delay Schedule
Time | Period |
10:15 am – 10:30 am | Advisory |
10:33 am – 11:33 am | 1st Period |
11:36 am – 12:36 pm | 2nd Period |
12:39 pm – 2:40 pm | 3rd Period |
1st Lunch: 12:39 pm – 1:09 pm (Includes walk time) | |
2nd Lunch: 1:09 pm – 1:39 pm (Includes walk time) | |
3rd Lunch: 1:39 pm – 2:09 pm (Includes walk time) | |
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm | 4th Period |
Two-Hour Early Release Schedule
Time | Period |
9:15 am – 9:30 am | Advisory |
9:33 am – 10:30 am | 1st Period |
10:33 am – 11:33 am | 2nd Period |
11:36 am – 12:36 pm | 4th Period |
1st Lunch: 12:39 pm – 1:09 pm (Includes walk time) | |
2nd Lunch: 1:09 pm – 1:39 pm (Includes walk time) | |
3rd Lunch: 1:39 pm – 2:09 pm (Includes walk time) | |
12:39 pm – 2:15 pm | 3rd Period |
CIECHS School Policies and Procedures
All accidents involving any student injury that occurs at school must be reported to the main office, whether the student involved has school insurance or not. An accident report form will be completed in the front office and filed through the CIECHS Administration Office and the CCS Risk Management Office.
Students will begin each day in Advisory. Students should arrive no later than 9:15 am. In this class, daily attendance will be taken, and weekly announcements will be shared. Students tardy to Advisory will check in through the front office and then, with a check-in slip, proceed to class. Students with excessive tardies will be subject to disciplinary action as deemed by the CIECHS Tardy Policy and CCS Code of Conduct.
Arrival on Campus
Upon arrival on campus, students report to the courtyard during favorable weather and to Advisory during inclement weather. Students should not arrive prior to 8:45 a.m., and not loiter in the hallways and/or the front lobby. Students will not be allowed in the building until 9:05 am, unless there is inclement weather.
Students who wish to participate in Athletics must do so at their home high schools. Parents of students who wish to try out for sports at their home high schools should contact the Athletic Director at the respective high schools. Students will be allowed to check out @ 3:15 PM for regularly scheduled games during the season. This does not include sports practices. All students are expected to make up all the work and any assignments.
Attendance Policy
An attendance policy communicates to all students, parents, and teachers, the importance of good attendance in achieving academic success. Class attendance and participation are critical elements of the educational process and support character education, dependability, and responsibility. Pursuant to NC General Statute 115C-378, CIECHS will notify parents and adhere to the following attendance policy:
Class Period Attendance:
Students must be present for at least 50% of a class period to be counted as present.
Consecutive Absences:
Students absent for 10 consecutive days without proper notification may be dropped from the roster.
Documentation of Absence:
Students must provide documentation of their absence no later than three school days after returning.
Lawful Absences:
Acceptable reasons for absence include:
Illness or injury
Death in the immediate family
Medical or dental appointments
Court or administrative proceedings
Religious observance
Educational opportunity (with Principal approval and per CCS Board Policy)
Make-Up Work:
Regardless of the reason for the absence, students are expected to make up missed work within three school days of their return.
School-Sponsored Events:
Absences due to school-sponsored field trips or athletic events are not counted as absences, but students must make up all missed assignments.
Sports practices are not considered athletic events for this policy.
Suspensions count as absences. Suspended students will have the opportunity to complete make-up work.
An attempt will be made by the administration and Social Worker to contact the parent or legal guardian after the student has missed 3, 6, and 9 days cumulative.
Attendance directly impacts Academic Eligibility for CIECHS.
The Board of Education realizes that school buses are a means of transportation provided by the State of North Carolina. Drivers, monitors, and students who ride buses are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner. Therefore, the following regulations have been established by the Cumberland County School Board and CIECHS to govern student conduct while riding school buses:
Access to CCS School Buses:
Students must be included on the CCS bus transportation route to use the buses.
Bus Riding Rules:
Students must ride their assigned bus and follow the bus driver's instructions at all times.
Students must board and dismount the bus at assigned stops and through the designated door.
Bus Stop Protocol:
Arrive at the bus stop 15 minutes before the bus is expected; the bus will not wait.
Allow extra time for inclement weather.
On the Bus:
Remain seated while the bus is moving.
Keep heads and hands inside the bus.
Do not throw objects inside or outside the bus.
No eating, drinking, cursing, fighting, disrespecting the driver, or talking loudly.
Avoid any actions that may endanger the safety of others.
CIECHS Students:
Go directly to the shuttle bus at home high schools.
Unauthorized entry into the home high school building may result in trespassing charges.
Transportation Exceptions:
No bus transportation on days when CCS and CIECHS are not in session but FSU has classes.
During traditional Spring Break and CCS work days, transportation will not be provided from neighborhoods. Students must be dropped off at the home high school by 7:15 AM, no later than 7:45 AM.
Drop-Off Locations:
Bus riders are dropped off at the Capel Arena.
Car riders are dropped off at the J. Knuckles Building.
Adherence to Rules:
Students must follow all Cumberland County and CIECHS rules.
Students who violate the school bus rules, including fighting, will be subject to immediate suspension and/or bus dismissal. Bus riding is a privilege in the Cumberland County School System. Drivers, monitors, and students assigned to school buses shall be responsible for willful or negligent damage caused by their actions.
Cafeteria Student Conduct
Proper Etiquette:
Students are expected to exhibit proper etiquette at all times.
Students must follow the designated path to and from the cafeteria and may not cut through parking lots.
Running to get in line or across campus to the cafeteria is not allowed.
Line Policy:
Students must not break the breakfast/lunch line to buy any item.
After eating, students should remove all trays, paper, and dishes from the table and place them in the designated trash receptacle area.
Food Policy:
No food is to be taken out of the cafeteria.
Personal Belongings:
Students should not leave books and personal belongings unattended.
School ID:
Students must know their School ID number to key in on the keypad.
Seating and Chairs:
Students should not save seats.
Students should not move chairs from one table to another.
Food Delivery:
No restaurant-prepared food may be brought on campus by students or parents or delivered to campus during the school day.
Free or Reduced Lunch Information
In order to receive free or reduced meals, students must complete the application process and acquire approval from CCS Child Nutrition Services. It should be completed online and will be part of the opening school packet students receive from advisory teachers. It should be completed and returned to the main office to be submitted for approval. For the first 10 days of school, students will maintain their free/reduced lunch status from the previous year while current applications are being processed.
General Lunch Information
Breakfast and lunch will be served in the Rudolph Jones Student Center- FSU. Students will eat both meals in a designated area and food is not to be taken out of the designated seating area.
Meal | Reduced Price | Full Price |
Breakfast | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Lunch | $0.40 | $2.75 |
Prices are subject to change upon notification from CCS Child Nutrition Services.
Change of Address
Any parent/student who changes his/her address or phone number must immediately inform the Data Manager. Students must bring in proof of a change in address. Proof of address change includes an electric bill, power bill, water bill, mortgage/lease agreement, or a deed of trust.
Checking-in/ Tardy Policy
Any student late for school must report immediately to the CIECHS office to receive a check-in slip. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
Excused tardy – The student has appropriate documentation, which includes.
a. The student presents a note from a doctor/dentist.
The student presents documentation of court proceedings.
The student is checked in by a parent/guardian or presents a signed and dated parent/guardian note. Excessive excused tardies will result in administrative review/referral to the social worker.
Unexcused tardy - The student does not have appropriate documentation.
3 unexcused tardies = 1 day of detention, parental notification
6 or more unexcused tardies = Parent meeting and additional disciplinary action as determined by the principal.
Class attendance and participation are critical to the educational process and may be taken into account in assessing academic achievement. Students are expected to be at school on time and to be present at the scheduled starting time for each class. Excessive absences and/or tardiness will result in disciplinary action.
Checking Out
If a student must leave after arriving on campus, the student must check out through the main office. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
No student will be allowed to check out of school unless the parent/guardian or responsible person on the contact information form signs the student out in the main office.
For the safety of our students, parents will be asked to present a valid picture ID (i.e.
Driver’s License, State ID card, Military ID) when checking out their child.
Students who become ill during the school day should report to the main office, and the parents or guardians will be contacted.
Under no circumstances will a student be permitted to leave school early without parent/guardian authorization and the principal’s or designee’s permission.
No checkouts after 3:45 PM.
Counseling Center
The Counseling program is an integral part of the educational offering at CIECHS. The Counseling Department employs a counselor who assists students in making educational and vocational plans. College catalogs, pamphlets, and scholarship information are available. Students wishing to have the counselor complete any paperwork or recommendations must be considerate and submit a request 10 school days before the deadline. In addition, personal issues may be discussed with the counselor.
Class Dues
Students will be required to pay class dues each year to help pay for school-related activities and will also include a school shirt, lanyard with USB, planner, and school ID card.
Item | Cost |
Senior Class | $60.00 |
Senior Class with Yearbook (if purchased by December 15th) | $85.00 |
Junior Class | $25.00 |
Sophomore Class | $25.00 |
Freshman Class | $25.00 |
ID Card Replacement | $5.00 |
Yearbooks (Underclassmen) | $50.00 |
SGA (Student Government Association) | $30.00 |
Prom (Juniors and Seniors) | $50.00 |
Forensics/Forensics Honor Society | $35.00 |
Miss CIECHS Pageant Fee | $40.00 |
National Honor Society | $25.00 (additional $26 for stole fee for Seniors) |
FSU Parking Student Fees (payable to FSU) | $70.00 (Subject to Change per FSU) |
Arabic Club | $20.00 |
Global Girls | $25.00 |
Internationally Known Men | $25.00 |
Key Club | $30.00 |
Spanish Honor Society | $25.00 |
Science Olympiad | $35.00 (additional fees for competitions may be required) |
Field Trip Fees -To be determined by the specific destination AND WILL INCLUDE TRANSPORTATION, COST FOR ADMISSION, AND LUNCH IF APPLICABLE
Unpaid student dues, club fees, and other school fees will be carried forward at the end of each school year. If fees or charges are not paid or arrangements ave not been made for payment, the Principal shall seek collection methods if necessary, until payment is made, If afer all of th eabove steps have been taken and no satisfactory arrangments have been made, the matter shall be reffered to the CCS Board Attorney. FSU fees, including book fees, traffic fines, etc., must be paid and handled directly with the Unversity.
School dues and school club fees can be paid online using the Cash Online payment system.
Children With Special Needs Section 504/americans With Disabilities Act
No otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination from any program or activity of the school.
Qualified disabled students are entitled to a free, appropriate public education. Disabled persons who believe they have been subjected to discrimination on the basis of their disability may appeal to the school district ADA/Section 504 Coordinator.
Classroom Tardies
It is the expectation of the Administration and teachers of CIECHS that all students arrive at each class on time. Students should be in their assigned seats ready to begin class on time. Disciplinary action for students who are tardy will be enforced in accordance with the CIECHS Tardy Policy. When a student is not in his or her class on time, the teacher will record the tardy. Disciplinary action will be taken according to the guidelines described below.
A. 2 unexcused tardies – Parental notification;
B. 3 unexcused tardies – Parental notification, Afterschool Detention;
C. 4 unexcused tardies - Parental notification, Administrative Referral
Distribution of Materials
Any organization, company representative, or individual that wishes to place or distribute materials of any nature must adhere to the following regulations:
Contact the CCS Communications Office for permission prior to bringing the materials to the school. The CCS Communications Office will notify the Principal if approval is granted for distribution.
No effort to distribute should be made or cause to have distributed any materials prior to receiving this permission.
Disciplinary Procedures
At CIECHS, we believe that good discipline is essential to attaining a quality education. Each student has the right to positive interactions with our faculty, staff, and Administration as well as the right to be free from distraction caused by the inappropriate behavior of others.
Rules and policies are established to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment. All students are subject to the rules and policies published in the Cumberland County Schools Student Code of Conduct, in addition to the rules and policies of the CIECHS Student Handbook.
According to the Cumberland County Schools Student Code of Conduct, students are expected to treat others with respect, behave in a responsible manner, and demonstrate high standards of integrity.
Negative behaviors are detrimental to the educational environment of the school and will not be tolerated. Students who demonstrate these behaviors will be disciplined appropriately according to the CCS Code of Conduct.
Elevator Usage
Students are not permitted to use the elevator in the J. Knuckles Building. Students must provide medical documentation to the Principal in writing if they have a medical condition that requires the use of the elevator. These students will receive a written pass from the front office to use the elevator.
Field Trips
Field trips are considered educational opportunities and learning experiences for all students. A field trip form signed by the student’s parent/guardian and each subject teacher must be on file with the Administration prior to any field trip or excursion. In order to be eligible to participate in a field trip, students must get a teacher's signature (to verify passing grades and behavior) and must not be in jeopardy of failure due to attendance in any class. Students will remain at school in a designated area if they do not meet the requirements. Students who choose not to attend or are not elible to attend, are still required to attend school and complete any assigned work.
The Administration, faculty, staff, and students of CIECHS deserve to work and learn in a safe and orderly environment that is free from disruption. As a result, fighting will not be tolerated. According to the CCS Student Code of Conduct, students who engage in fighting during school, on school premises, at a school-sponsored event, on a school-owned vehicle, or at a bus stop will face disciplinary action which may include long-term suspension or disciplinary reassignment to an alternative program after the first offense.
Earbuds, smart watches, phones, or any other electronic devices may be used before and after school, and during lunch. They may be used in the classroom ONLY for instructional purposes as directed by the teacher. If these items are misused, they will be confiscated. Items will be returned only to the student’s parents or legal guardian. Refusal to surrender electronic devices or other prohibited action will result in disciplinary action.
The school is not liable for lost or stolen electronic devices.
Cell phones/electronic devices and other confiscated items must be picked up by a parent or guardian after the school day ends (4:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.).
Student Chromebooks will be available to all CIECHS students. Chromebooks are to be used for instructional and educational purposes only. Students are not allowed to access any social media website (i.e. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Pandora, Instagram chat rooms, etc.) or streaming websites (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) unless under the direction of the teacher.
Inappropriate computer use will result in the confiscation of the Chromebook. Students will be held liable and financially responsible for damage to a Chromebook that occurs while in his/her possession or is assigned to the student. CIECHS is not responsible for a student's personal electronic devices including their laptops, tablets, or iPads. These devices are subject tothe same expectation if use as school-issue Chromebooks. Students are only allowed to use CIECHS Chromebooks while in class.
Dress Code
What students wear and how they look is an example of the pride they take in theor school and in themselves.
Each CIECHS student is expected to adhere to the dress code policy for the school day. Clothing should not present a health hazard, not draw attention to the student, and not interfere with the educational process.
All Cumberland County Schools will make necessary religious accommodations for any type of headgear or head coverings otherwise restricted or prohibited under existing individual school dress codes.
No student shall be suspended from school based solely upon violation of an existing individual school dress code.
Clothing with Holes:
Clothing with excessive holes is not allowed.
Pants with rips/slits/cuts must not be above the knee.
Leggings are required under jeans ripped above the knee.
Leggings and Yoga Pants:
Leggings, yoga pants, or joggers may be worn with a proper layer of clothing that covers the entire midriff to the thigh and the buttocks area.
Shoes must be worn at all times.
Bedroom slippers or shoes resembling bedroom slippers are not allowed.
Shorts, Skirts, Dresses:
Shorts, skirts, or dresses must be no more than three (3) inches above the knee, including the back of the knee and leg.
Prohibited Clothing:
Halters, tube tops, crop tops, and see-through clothing are not allowed.
Necklines of shirts and blouses must not be revealing.
Clothing should fit properly.
Tank Tops and Sleeveless Tops:
Tank tops and tops with narrow straps are not allowed.
Straps must be 2 inches or wider.
Sleeveless or cutoff/altered tops are not allowed without appropriate coverage.
T-shirts with sleeves must be worn under basketball jerseys.
Undergarments and Pants:
Clothing must not expose undergarments or navels.
Pants should be secured at the waist (no sagging).
Headgear and Accessories:
Sunglasses, bandannas, scarves, hoodies, baseball hats, or headgear are not allowed in the building.
Females may wear headbands no more than 2 inches wide.
Curlers should not be worn.
A doctor’s note is required to wear sunglasses; the note must be verified by a School Administrator.
Bandanas are prohibited and cannot be worn as headbands.
Religious and Cultural Accommodations:
Accommodations for religious and cultural headgear are allowed, provided they adhere to dress code standards.
Jewelry and Accessories:
Jewelry or accessories that could be used as harmful objects are not allowed.
Clothing, jewelry, or accessories depicting alcoholic beverages, weapons, controlled substances, confederate flags, or anything obscene or offensive are prohibited.
Underwear and Sleepwear:
Underwear may not be worn as outer garments (e.g., boxers, long johns, pajamas, undershirts).
Blankets and Pillows:
Blankets, pillows, or sheets are not allowed on campus and will be confiscated.
General Guidance:
If unsure about an item or outfit, choose something else.
The Administration reserves the right to restrict any items that may disrupt the school environment.
Parents will be contacted if the dress code is violated and asked to bring appropriate clothing. Students may be required to cover inappropriate clothing.
Canvas Classroom
All teachers post assignments on Canvas or an online course site. All students are expected to check these sites daily and complete any and all assignments as posted for the class, even if the student is absent.
Final exams will be given in every class at the end of each semester/year. Parents and students should not make plans, including trips and/or vacations that will interfere with exams.
Each student is required to take the EOC or a teacher-made final exam in every course. EOC exams will count for 20% of the course average. (NO EXEMPTIONS)
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a federal law that governs the maintenance of student records. Under this law, parents of students or students (if they are at least 18 years of age) have both the right to inspect records kept by the school about the student and the right to correct inaccuracies in the records.
Access to the records by persons other than the parents (of the student) is limited and generally requires prior consent by the parents of the student. Copies of this policy may be found in the Office of the Superintendent and in the Principal’s office of each school within the Cumberland County School System. Complaints about non-compliance of school personnel with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act may be made, in writing, to:
FERPA Office
Federal Building No. 10
6000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202
Fees & Charge
Charges will be assessed for lost/damaged books, materials, supplies, equipment, and property in accordance with established replacement or repair costs. The power to regulate student fees and charges is vested in the CCS Board of Education by virtue of State Law, G.S. 115C-47. Pursuant to this power and authority, the Board shall periodically review and approve all system-wide student authority and system-wide fees. Such fees and charges include, but are not limited to, the following:
Lost and damaged book fees and charges, lost and damaged materials, supplies, and equipment fees.
Fees required for services and activities such as musical instrument rental fees, publication fees, student pictures, parking permits, official transcript fees, and I.D. cards.
Students may be charged for the cost of raw materials for specific occupational courses.
Unpaid student dues, club fees, and other school fees will be carried forward at the end of each school year. If fees or charges are not paid or arrangements have not been made for payment, the Principal shall seek collection methods if necessary, until payment is made. If after all of the above steps have been taken and no satisfactory arrangements have been made, the matter shall be referred to the CCS Board Attorney. FSU fees, including book fees, traffic fines, etc., must be paid and handled directly with the university.
Fayetteville State University Facilities
Limited and controlled access to FSU’s library will be provided. There will be no access to Residence Halls, unmonitored internet access sites, any space where alcohol is available, or any other space deemed by FSU to be unsuitable for high school students or their programs. While in university facilities, on university property, or in university classes, the students, faculty, and staff of CIECHS will comply with all state and local laws, university regulations, and university policies. Failure to follow these regulations will subject the individual to the disciplinary procedures of the university and may result in dismissal from CIECHS.
Fire Drills
When the fire alarm signal sounds, all students, staff, and visitors should immediately evacuate the building. Evacuation routes are posted in all classrooms. In case of a fire alarm, each class should move at least 600 feet from the building and turn facing the building. Students should refrain from talking, stay in a straight line, and stay with their teachers at all times. Students, staff, and visitors will be notified when it is safe to re-enter the building.
First Aid
The school can help with such minor things as emergency first aid. If a student is too ill to attend classes, he/she is too ill to remain in school and parents will be notified to come for the student. All students who have medical problems or physical limitations that require special attention regularly or in an emergency should report these conditions to the office. The appropriate staff will assist students with medical care.
No school employee may administer medication, including over-the-counter medicines, except those who have been trained to do so, and there is an approved medical form on file at the school.
Flowers or Balloons
Students will not be permitted to receive flowers or balloons, food, or any other items at school. The delivery causes disruption of school and safety problems on buses. The school will not accept the delivery of flowers or balloons to students. Refer to CS Board Regulation Policy 5020-R.
Food and Drink
Breakfast and lunch will be served in the FSU Student Center and may not be consumed in the classrooms. Only water in clear or see-through container bottles will be permitted in classrooms. No outside fast food or drinks will be allowed in the cafeteria or school classrooms. Students are NOT allowed to use FSU vending machines. Items will be confiscated. Parents and/or visitors may not bring students any food or drink item that has been purchased from a fast food or local restaurant.
Fraternization is defined as “mingling or associating between two groups”. Fraternization between CIECHS students and FSU students is NOT allowed. CIECHS students who associate with FSU students will be dealt with by the Administration. Fraternization is a serious offense and continued offenses may result in dismissal from the program.
Guests and Visitors
Guests and visitors are NOT allowed on the CIECHS campus without the permission of the Principal. All visitors must check-in at the main office.
Grading Scales
High School Grade Conversion
Numerical Grade | Equivalent Letter Grade |
90-100 | A |
80-89 | B |
70-79 | C |
60-69 | D |
59 and below | F |
Numerical Grade | Equivalent Letter Grade |
95 | A, A+, A- |
85 | B, B+, B- |
75 | C, C+, C- |
65 | D, D+, D- |
55 | F |
Parents can access student grades online. Information is available, at by selecting Families and scrolling down to the list of available resources. Juniors and seniors can access their grades for college classes by going to clicking on “Current Students” and entering their Banner ID number. Parents/guardians should request students to access and show college classes through their Banner account to monitor FSU grades.
Grievance Procedure
If, at any time, a student or parent has a discrepancy in the student’s grade in a particular class or an issue with the class, the student and parent should meet with the teacher of that course. If, at the conclusion of the meeting, an acceptable resolution is not reached, an Administrative meeting should be requested.
Hall Traffic
Students should walk (not run) on the right side of the halls and should not block traffic patterns. Outside stairs will be for down traffic only and inside stairs will be for up traffic only. Student should not have earbuds in or utilize their cell phones while in the hallways. Students are not permitted in the hallways during class without a pass. Students are not permitted to use the elevator without permission from the Administration. In the event of inclement weather, stairs will be used for traffic both ways.
Honor Assemblies
An academic awards assembly will be held each year to honor students who excel academically. Students will be presented with an award for their achievements.
Honor Code
All learners are expected to conduct themselves with integrity and honesty. Students should avoid cheating, and plagiarizing while maintaining pride in their work and completing all tasks with academic integrity.
Plagiarism is the act of intentionally or unintentionally presenting someone's work as their own, and will not be tolerated. Plagiarism is a form of cheating that is intolabable in an academic setting. Plagiarism is the use of someone's words or ideas as if they were your own, To avoid plagiarism, it is important to give credit to any and all sources used in your work.
Other examples of academic dishonesty: copying the work of another student; being in possession of the work of another student; taking a photograph of a student's work with the intention to copy or distribute it; giving infomation to or receiving information from another student during a test or quiz; and being in possession of unauthorized information during an assessment (including pictures or information delivered electronically.
Academic dishonesty also included unauthorized use of AI to aid or assist in completing assignments, using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, resources, programs, scripts, etc., and helping or attempting to help another student violate the expectations of the school honor code.
Inclement Weather
If school is closed, delayed, or dismissed early due to inclement weather, the local radio and television stations will make an announcement. CCS and CIECHS will send a parent-link phone call to students and parents or guardians.
I.D. Cards
Students are required to carry their I.D. cards at all times while at school or at a school function. I.D. cards are required to check in/out and check out library books. ID card fees are included in class dues. There is a $5 fee for replacement cards. Requests for a replacement should be made to the College Liaison.
Restorative Justice Center
Restorative Justice Centers, in some instances, may be offered in lieu of suspension from school. Students assigned to RJC will be expected to adhere to the guidelines established by the CIECHS and the CCS Code of Conduct. The rules governing ISS are listed below:
Students must be in RJC assigned area at the start of the Advisory class.
Gum, candy, drinks, and other food items are not allowed.
Students will sit at a table by themselves during their assigned lunchtime.
The student must take all textbooks, paper, pencils, pens, etc. when reporting to RJC.
There will be no communication of any kind (verbal, written, or sign language) between students assigned to ISS.
Electronic devices may not be used while in RJC.
The student may check out of RJC for personal illness or a doctor’s appointment only. If a student misses time from the assigned RJC time, he or she must make it up the following school day.
The CCS Board of Education shall require a student in interscholastic sports and in other school activities, as deemed necessary, to participate in the school accident insurance program. Students with private insurance should have a parent/guardian submit a statement to the Principal that the student is adequately protected against accidents that may occur while participating in activities.
Students should not loiter on school property after school, before school, or on non-school days. Students should not be in the school building prior to 8: AM or after 4:30 PM unless they are under the direct supervision of a staff member. Violation of this policy may result in administrative disciplinary actions including suspension. Students are not to loiter in restrooms or in cars that are parked on campus. Loitering, eating, inappropriate activity, or socializing in the restrooms will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action.
Lost and Found
Any personal belongings found on school grounds should be turned in to the primary office. Any student missing personal belongings should be checked at the office. The school is not responsible for money, books, clothing, electronic devices, or other items left unattended. At the end of each semester, unclaimed items remaining lost and found will be discarded.
Makeup Work
The student is responsible for making arrangements with the teacher to make up the work. Teachers may schedule make-up work at their discretion, within 3-schooldays after the student’s return. Work not made up within the 3-day period may result in a loss of credit for the assignment. If the student is absent for five (5) or more days, a more extended period may be granted by the Administration.
Media Center (FSU Library)
CIECHS students will have limited and controlled access to the Charles W. Chesnutt Library at Fayetteville State University. Use of the library is a privilege while attending CIECHS. Students in the 9th and 10th grades may only use the library under the supervision of a teacher. Students are not permitted on any floor other than the 1st floor. While in the library, the students will comply with all state and local laws, university regulations, and university policies, in addition to Cumberland County Schools and CIECHS policies and procedures. Abuse of any regulations may result in disciplinary action, which includes the revocation of library and internet privileges.
CCS Board of Education policy requires each student to have a permission form signed by a parent or guardian before exploring the Internet each year.
It is unlawful for school officials to supply medicine for a student who is ill and does not have the proper documents on file in the school’s main office. Students who need prescribed medication during school must have a “Physicians School Medication” form and/or an “Asthma Self-Medication” (inhalers only) form on file with the medicine clerk. Prescribed medications must be in a properly labeled prescription package. Over-the-counter medications will not be accepted unless they are prescribed by a physician and carry a prescription label. Students may NOT carry medication unless it is an inhaler for asthma and the “Asthma Self-Medication” form is on file with the receptionist. The parent or legal guardian must bring in all forms as well as the medication required for the student. Students are not allowed to transport medication to and from school.
Parent/teacher Conferences
The CIECHS Administration and teachers believe that communication between students, parents, guardians, and teachers is vital to the academic and social success of its students. We encourage parents and guardians to contact the school at any time to schedule an appointment to discuss the progress of their child. School-wide conference times will be scheduled once each semester. These dates and times will be publicized in school to all students and through the phone system to all parents.
Parent-Teacher Conference Dates:
Fall Date and Times
October 14 -15, 2024
Student-Led Conferences by Appointment (Scheduled through AVID classes)
Spring Date(s) and Time
March 24 - 25. 2025
Student-Led Conference by Appointment (scheduled through AVID classes)
Phone Use
Students are NOT permitted to use school phones except in cases of an emergency. If students have an
emergency, they should report to the office with a pass. At no time should students use classroom telephones.
Probationary Status
Students who are placed on academic probation will identify areas of challenge and set goals for improved performance. All students getting below a “C” in a high school class (77) or a college course (75) will be placed on academic probation for the next semester to improve his/her GPA. Juniors and seniors will lose benefits and privileges. A signed probation contract by both the student and parents will be on file in the principal’s office. Those students who fail to improve their performance while on academic probation may be removed from the early college program and sent back to their home high school.
Project-based Learning
CIECHS is a project-based learning school. Project-Based Learning (PBL) teaches students 21st-century skills as well as the content. These skills include communication and presentation skills, organization and time management skills, research and inquiry skills, self-assessment and reflection skills, and group participation and leadership skills.
The Prom is a school function that is a privilege, not mandatory. All Cumberland International Early College High School Rules and Regulations form the CCS Student Handbook and the CCS Student Code of Conduct will be enforced during the prom. CIECHS Juniors and Seniors are eligible to attend prom. Prom attendees may invite a guest who is a high school Junior or Senior and under 21 or who is out of school and is under 21. Guest applications must be submitted by the advertised deadline and approved by the administration team. Prom is $50 per person. Juniors must have their dues paid proir to prom in order to attend. Student who have classes must attend school the day before prom (must be marked present in school attendance).
Promotion Standards (4 X 4)
To be promoted from the ninth (9th) grade to the tenth (10th) grade, a student must successfully complete six (6) units of course credit. (Including 1 credit in English)
To be promoted from tenth (10th) grade to eleventh (11th) grade, a student must complete thirteen (13) units of course credit. (2 in English)
To be promoted from eleventh (11th) grade to twelfth (12th) grade, a student must complete twenty (20) units of course credit. (3 in English) In addition to this, the student must be eligible to graduate in order to be promoted.
Students who are not promoted to the next grade and/or fail Math 1/English I will be sent back to their Home School.
CIECHS students are not allowed to graduate from CIECHS early. Students are expected to earn up to 60 hours of college credit by taking between 12-15 credit hours each semester.
Students may be disciplined or removed from CIECHS for any of the following reasons:
1. Noncompliance with the CCS Student Code of Conduct, CIECHS Student Handbook, and/or the FSU Student Code of Conduct.
Entering a dormitory at any time during the school year. (regardless of reason)
Academic dishonesty (Such acts include cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation, fabrication of information, and abetting any of the above.)
Inappropriate behavior.
Failure to maintain academic eligibility.
Academic Ineligibility is determined as follows:
Students who do not maintain a C or higher in all high school and FSU courses.
Failure of any college classes due to non-attendance.
Students should earn credit for English I, English II, and Math I (if not completed in 8th grade) before the first day of their sophomore year.
Students must pass all ACR classes.
Students must earn 14 of 16 high school credits to include 4 English, 4 Math, 2 Language, 3 Science, and 4 Social Studies.
Students who do not earn credit for all high school courses and have a minimum of 22 credits by the first day of their senior year.
Students who have excessive absences and/or tardies in high school or college classes.
Social media are being used for bullying/slander/defamation of character.
Search Policy
School officials have the authority to conduct reasonable searches and seizures in accordance with Cumberland County Board of Education Policy 4342 – Student Searches. The purpose is to maintain a safe, orderly environment and uphold the standards of conduct established by the Board. A “School Official” is a school administrator or a school resource officer acting in conjunction with and under the direction of the school administrator. A search of a student is lawful if there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will turn up evidence that the student has violated or is violating a specific law or school rule. If reasonable suspicion exists as outlined above, searches may be conducted of a student’s person, and personal effects, including purses, book bags, outer clothing, wireless communication devices, and motor vehicles subject to the requirements of the policy. Strip searches are strictly prohibited. Periodic general (suspicion-less) inspections of desks, lockers, and other school-owned equipment may be conducted by school officials for maintenance or health/sanitation reasons. (Policy 4342-
Skipping Class
Students are expected to be in their assigned classes during the school day. Skipping classes or school will not be tolerated. If it is determined that a student is skipping class or school, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
Solicitation on School Campus
No student is allowed to sell any items or to solicit business from individuals or any group for any reason without the permission of the Principal.
Student-led Conferences
This is a time for students to showcase their work to their parents and is a mandatory participation grade. Failure to participate may result in a loss of credit for the assignment.
Textbook Damage Fees
Each student is responsible for any fees assessed for damaged or lost textbooks issued to the student. The following guidelines are established for assessing these fees.
Lost Book: 100% cost of the textbook
Damaged book, Unusable: Collect as for the lost book.
Damaged book, Usable: Cost of repair -Fee determined based on cost of repair
Books should never be left in any place where someone else may pick them up. Students are responsible for textbooks issued to them until they are returned to the teacher at the end of the school semester. If you stop attending school or transfer to another school, you must return all textbooks to the teacher who issued them to you. Under regular circumstances, all books will be collected at the end of the semester.
College Textbooks
College textbooks will be provided for CIECHS students. Students will receive the book from the FSU bookstore and return it prior to the due date upon completion of the course. If books are lost, damaged (based on FSU determination), or not returned on time, the student will be responsible for the cost of the books. Students will not be permitted to register for additional college classes until the book fee is paid. Fees will follow students from year to year and must be paid prior to graduation. All fees are paid directly to FSU. Students are responsible for turning in book receipts at the beginning and end of each semester. Students should also retain a copy (photo) of the receipt for their own records.
Tornado Drill
When the alarm sounds, all staff, teachers, students, and campus visitors will proceed to assigned tornado areas in the building and assume protective positions. Students should refrain from talking and proceed in an orderly manner. Teachers must check their rosters and remain with their students at all times. All staff, teachers, students, and visitors will be notified when it is safe to resume normal school operations.
Tutoring is available for all students on designated days determined by the teacher. A tutoring schedule for the school will be posted at the beginning of the school year.
University Level Courses
CIECHS students take university-level courses while enrolled in CIECHS. These courses will be taught by FSU faculty. Prior to enrolling in a university-level course, a student must demonstrate readiness to succeed in the course. Successful completion of these courses will entitle the student to academic credit at the college level.
Unauthorized Items
No alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, narcotics, or harmful drugs are allowed on school grounds at any time. Students exhibiting the symptoms of being under the influence of any controlled substances will be subject to disciplinary action and will return to their home school. Any paraphernalia used in the consumption of controlled substances is also forbidden. These include, but are not limited to roach clips, rolling papers, bongs, pipes, and accessories for cocaine, (ex. spoons, syringes, hypodermic needles), and pills not prescribed by a physician. (Students who have been prescribed medication by a physician should follow all procedures and submit these items to the proper personnel in the main office. At no time should students have any medication in their possession or in their belongings.) Students may not bring items that are hazardous to the health and safety of others or that will interfere in some way with school procedures.
According to the Public School Laws of North Carolina and Cumberland County School Board policy, if it is believed that a student has items that are harmful to his/herself or to others, with reasonable suspicion, school administrators are allowed to search the student and his/her belongings.
Any weapon, sharp or blunt instrument, including knives, guns, explosives, stink bombs, or incendiary devices will be confiscated and the responsible person(s) charged under G.S. 14-284.1. In cooperation with local law enforcement, the CIECHS staff frequently allows the K-9 units from the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office to conduct searches of the building, grounds, and all personal property located on the grounds. Students are responsible for any item on their person, or in their personal belongings.
Refer to the CCS Student Code of Conduct for additional information as this will be followed in accordance with procedures and policies.
Defacing or damaging walls, desks, doors, walkways, books, or other school property is a sign of disrespect and poor behavior. School property is state property and therefore belongs to everyone. It should be treated with all due respect and care. Students who damage or destroy school property will be responsible for replacing/repairing that property. According to the seriousness of the offense, additional disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with the CCS Student Code of Conduct.
Here at CIECHS, we feel that it is important to give back to your community. It is part of their curriculum and their grade that they complete 16 volunteer hours per semester --32 per year. Students pursuing the Cumberland County Cord for volunteering will need to complete 50 hours in their senior (graduation) year. CIECHS volunteer guidelines, pre-approved opportunities, and the volunteer form will be provided by the AVID teacher.
The workroom is for authorized school personnel only. Students should not enter the workroom without permission from a CIECHS faculty member.
Upper-class Specific Information
Juniors and Seniors will be responsible for the information in the entire CIECHS Student Handbook and CCS Student Code of Conduct. However, the following information contained on this and subsequent pages relates specifically to juniors and seniors.
CIECHS Attendance
Students are expected to be at school from 9:15 AM – 4:15 PM. They are to sign in each day and check in and remain in their ACR class in between college classes. Students are only allowed to be out on the college campus for their college classes. Otherwise, they are to be in the CIECHS building, in the AVID class.
FSU Attendance
Juniors and seniors who miss more than 3 college classes may fail the class. Juniors and seniors are responsible for attending class even when Cumberland County schools are not in attendance & must provide their own transportation and meals on these days.
Check-in & Out
Juniors and Seniors will check in and check out each day and between college classes by signing in/out and/or using the Biometric Thumbprint Identification System. If this system is down, then students will be required to physically sign in. Failure to check-in/out or sign in will result in being counted as absent or skipping, and disciplinary action will be taken if a violation occurs.
Juniors and seniors will have a designated day that will be assigned to them in order to pick up their textbooks from the bookstore. They will be responsible for getting to the bookstore during the allotted timeframe. Once they pick up their books, they will give the receipt to the College Liaison for record-keeping purposes. College textbooks will be provided for CIECHS students. Students will receive the book from the FSU bookstore and return it prior to the due date upon completion of the course. If books are lost, damaged, or not returned, students will be responsible for the cost of the book. Students will not be permitted to register for additional college classes until the book fee is paid. Fees will follow students from year to year and must be paid prior to graduation at the University Cashier’s Office.
Off Limit Locations
The following locations are off-limits to ALL STUDENTS, including juniors and seniors, at all times:
RJSC (Student Center) upstairs
RJSC (Student Center) Activity Room (unless at lunch with CIECHS)
Academic buildings in which you do not have a class
Parked cars (including your own)
Bronco Square Plaza Restaurants – Across Murchison Road
Being off campus during the day
Library (without permission)
Any food locations other than the designated Early College eating area (including EcoGrounds and Chick-fil-A)
Student Identification
As stated previously, juniors and seniors must carry CIECHS & FSU Identification with them at all times. Failure to do so will result in the loss of privileges.
Student Driving
Juniors and seniors who hold valid driver’s licenses will be permitted to drive to school. They must purchase a parking placard from FSU and are subject to the rules and regulations of FSU regarding parking. Parking placards are $70 for the school year. There is no sitting in parked cars on campus. Students found sitting in a car, whether their own or a friend’s, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Students must park outside of the Knuckles building upon arrival on campus and only enter their vehicle to leave campus for the day. Students may not drive to other parts of campus.
2024 - 2025 Senior Guidelines
Senior Guidelines
Students must maintain course grades of C or better in all high school and college classes.
Students must attend all scheduled high school classes and university courses.
Students are required to attend all required monthly class meetings.
Students must attend their scheduled high school lunch daily.
Students are not permitted in the student center, dormitories, or academic buildings in which they do not have a scheduled class, Bronco Square, parking lots, or off campus.
Students must maintain appropriate discipline throughout the semester.
If bus transportation is needed, students must stay on campus for the entire day.
Eligibility for privileges is evaluated throughout the school year.
Students are required to sign in using the computer sign-in program and sign out in the main office before leaving campus for the school day.
School administrators or designees can revoke privileges at any time.
Senior Privileges
Students may arrive 10 minutes prior to their first scheduled class if they do not have a 1st-period or college class.
Students are required to attend AVID IV weekly using the schedule provided by the AVID IV teacher.
Students are required to complete assignments through Canvas on days they are not required to attend AVID IV.
Students may check out after all classes are complete on days they are not required to attend AVID IV.